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LLNL researchers unleash machine learning in designing advanced lattice structures
Aug. 22, 2024 -
Characterized by their intricate patterns and hierarchical designs, lattice structures hold immense potential for revolutionizing industries ranging from aerospace to biomedical engineering, due to their versatility and customizability. However, the complexity of these structures and the vast design space they encompass have posed significant hurdles for engineers and scientists, and...
AI, fusion, and national security with Brian Spears (VIDEO)
July 13, 2024 -
This episode of the Eye on AI podcast delves into the cutting-edge world of AI and high-performance computing with Brian Spears, director of LLNL's AI Innovation Incubator. The episode is presented here as a video with the following description: "Brian shares his experience in driving AI into national security science and managing the nation’s nuclear stockpile. With a PhD in mechanical...
The surprising places you’ll find machine learning (VIDEO)
June 20, 2024 -
LLNL data scientists are applying ML to real-world applications on multiple scales. A new DSI-funded video highlights research at the nanoscale (developing better water treatment methods by predicting the behavior of water molecules under the extremely confined conditions of nanotubes); mesoscale (determining the likelihood and location of a dangerous wildfire-causing phenomenon called arcing...
The Laboratory’s habit of innovation
June 4, 2024 -
LLNL’s HPC and data science capabilities play a significant role in international science research and innovation, and Lab researchers have won 10 R&D 100 Awards in the Software–Services category in the past decade. The latest issue of Science & Technology Review features several award-winning projects, including ZFP and CANDLE: (1) ZFP introduces a new method of compressing large data sets...
Manufacturing optimized designs for high explosives
May 13, 2024 -
When materials are subjected to extreme environments, they face the risk of mixing together. This mixing may result in hydrodynamic instabilities, yielding undesirable side effects. Such instabilities present a grand challenge across multiple disciplines, especially in astrophysics, combustion, and shaped charges—a device used to focus the energy of a detonating explosive, thereby creating a...
Harnessing the power of AI for a safe and secure future (VIDEO)
May 13, 2024 -
LLNL, alongside the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) 17 national labs, is harnessing the transformative potential of AI for a safer, more secure future. In 2022, LLNL made history by achieving fusion ignition, marking a pivotal moment for national security and clean energy. While AI continues to unlock new insights into fusion, through the combination of cutting-edge computer modeling...
Accelerating material characterization: Machine learning meets X-ray absorption spectroscopy
May 10, 2024 -
LLNL scientists have developed a new approach that can rapidly predict the structure and chemical composition of heterogeneous materials. In a new study in ACS Chemistry of Materials, Wonseok Jeong and Tuan Anh Pham developed a new approach that combines machine learning with X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES) to elucidate the chemical speciation of amorphous carbon nitrides. The research...
Igniting scientific discovery with AI and supercomputing (VIDEO)
April 15, 2024 -
LLNL’s fusion ignition breakthrough, more than 60 years in the making, was enabled by a combination of traditional fusion target design methods, high-performance computing (HPC), and AI techniques. The success of ignition marks a significant milestone in fusion energy research, and was facilitated in part by the precision simulations and rapid experimental data analysis only possible through...
Welcome new DSI team members
April 2, 2024 -
When Data Science Institute (DSI) director Brian Giera and deputy director Cindy Gonzales began planning activities for fiscal year 2024 and beyond, they immediately realized that LLNL’s growth in data science and artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) research requires corresponding growth in the DSI’s efforts. “Our field is booming,” Giera states. “The Lab has a stake in the...
WiDS Livermore conference attendees network, share research and absorb wisdom
March 27, 2024 -
Co-sponsored by the DSI, LLNL on March 13 hosted the 7th annual Women in Data Science (WiDS) conference for data scientists, industry professionals, recent graduates and others interested in the field. As an independent satellite of the global WiDS conference celebrating International Women’s Day, the Livermore hybrid event was held to highlight the work and careers of LLNL and regional data...
Predicting climate change impacts on infrastructure (VIDEO)
Feb. 26, 2024 -
At LLNL, electrical grid experts and climate scientists work together to bridge the gap between infrastructure and climate modeling. By taking weather variables such as wildfire, flooding, wind, and sunlight that directly impact the electrical grid into consideration, researchers can improve electrical grid model projections for a more stable future. In a new video, LLNL computer scientist...
Register for WiDS Livermore on March 13
Feb. 8, 2024 -
The annual Women in Data Science (WiDS) conference returns on Wednesday, March 13. This is the seventh year for WiDS Livermore, which is independently organized by LLNL to be part of the mission to increase participation of women in data science and to feature outstanding women doing outstanding work. The all-day WiDS Livermore event is free and will be presented in a hybrid format. Everyone...
Will it bend? Reinforcement learning optimizes metamaterials
Dec. 13, 2023 -
Lawrence Livermore staff scientist Xiaoxing Xia collaborated with the Technical University of Denmark to integrate machine learning (ML) and 3D printing techniques. The effort naturally follows Xia’s PhD work in materials science at the California Institute of Technology, where he investigated electrochemically reconfigurable structures. In a paper published in the Journal of Materials...
LLNL, University of California partner for AI-driven additive manufacturing research
Sept. 27, 2023 -
Grace Gu, a faculty member in mechanical engineering at UC Berkeley, has been selected as the inaugural recipient of the LLNL Early Career UC Faculty Initiative. The initiative is a joint endeavor between LLNL’s Strategic Deterrence Principal Directorate and UC national laboratories at the University of California Office of the President, seeking to foster long-term academic partnerships and...
Explainable artificial intelligence can enhance scientific workflows
July 25, 2023 -
As ML and AI tools become more widespread, a team of researchers in LLNL’s Computing and Physical and Life Sciences directorates are trying to provide a reasonable starting place for scientists who want to apply ML/AI, but don’t have the appropriate background. The team’s work grew out of a Laboratory Directed Research and Development project on feedstock materials optimization, which led to...
Machine learning reveals refreshing understanding of confined water
July 24, 2023 -
LLNL scientists combined large-scale molecular dynamics simulations with machine learning interatomic potentials derived from first-principles calculations to examine the hydrogen bonding of water confined in carbon nanotubes (CNTs). They found that the narrower the diameter of the CNT, the more the water structure is affected in a highly complex and nonlinear fashion. The research appears on...
Data science meets fusion (VIDEO)
May 30, 2023 -
LLNL’s historic fusion ignition achievement on December 5, 2022, was the first experiment to ever achieve net energy gain from nuclear fusion. However, the experiment’s result was not actually that surprising. A team leveraging data science techniques developed and used a landmark system for teaching artificial intelligence (AI) to incorporate and better account for different variables and...
Celebrating the DSI’s first five years
May 18, 2023 -
View the LLNL Flickr album Data Science Institute Turns Five.
Data science—a field combining technical disciplines such as computer science, statistics, mathematics, software development, domain science, and more—has become a crucial part of how LLNL carries out its mission. Since the DSI’s founding in 2018, the Lab has seen tremendous growth in its data science community and has invested...
Fueling up hydrogen production
April 3, 2023 -
Through machine learning, an LLNL scientist has a better grasp of understanding materials used to produce hydrogen fuel. The interaction of water with TiO2 (titanium oxide) surfaces is especially important in various scientific fields and applications, from photocatalysis for hydrogen production to photooxidation of organic pollutants to self-cleaning surfaces and biomedical devices. However...
Scientists develop model for more efficient simulations of protein interactions linked to cancer
March 28, 2023 -
LLNL scientists have developed a theoretical model for more efficient molecular-level simulations of cell membranes and their lipid-protein interactions, part of a multi-institutional effort to better understand the behavior of cancer-causing membrane proteins. Developed under an ongoing collaboration by the Department of Energy and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) aimed at modeling cell...