
Workshops are an integral part of the DSI’s strategic vision. Aimed at establishing new research trajectories and collaborations among the multidisciplinary data science community—primarily contacts from industry, academia, and other national labs—our workshops have evolved in both format and focus. We invite you to peruse agendas, presentations, and recordings (when available) from our past events.

2024: UC/LLNL Joint Safe AI Workshop

AI Safety Workshop 2024 Group Photo

The “Strategy Alignment on AI Safety” workshop convened on April 19, 2024, in Livermore, California. The main purposes of the workshop were to discuss (1) the current state of AI safety research, (2) the community’s assessment of risks of fast-paced technological advancements, and (3) alignment on the path forward to prioritizing AI safety throughout the development process. 

The workshop drew an international community of 77 researchers from industry, academia, and the national labs in addition to government/nonprofit representatives— all of whom are deeply involved with AI safety and ethics. 


2021: AI in Healthcare

screen shot of presenter in video chat with a slide about image processing of automatic tissue segmentation
During the Actionable AI session, Valentina Pedoia of UCSF presented her research in a talk titled “Intelligent Imaging to Study Degenerative Joint Diseases.”

Held virtually over three consecutive Thursdays in early spring, this workshop focused on AI applications and possibilities in healthcare. Panelists and speakers included LLNL staff as well as academic and clinical professionals.

March 11: Electronic Health Records – This session discussed recent developments, challenges, and opportunities in data science for EHRs.

March 18: Actionable AI – This session surveyed recent applications of actionable and interpretable AI techniques to healthcare problems and discussed current challenges and opportunities to further integrate machine learning models into medical practice and decision-making.

March 25: COVID-19 – This session discussed and identified potential use of AI technologies to facilitate rapid response to the coronavirus pandemic.

View the 2021 healthcare agenda (including video recordings and slide decks).

2019: Co-sponsored with the University of California System

five people stand beneath a big screen taking audience questions
LLNL researchers Frank Di Natale, Peter Robinson, Luc Peterson, Sam Jacobs, and Kelli Humbird answer audience questions after their session on workflows and scalable learning solutions for predictive science applications.

More than 200 participants gathered at Garré Winery in Livermore for two days in July. UC Santa Cruz professor Abel Rodriguez gave the keynote address on ethical challenges in data science, including considerations of privacy, confidentiality, data collection, and informed consent.

The event continued with nine technical sessions. Moderators introduced their research areas before speakers presented, and the sessions concluded with a question-and-answer period that spilled over into birds-of-a-feather discussions between sessions.

View the 2019 agenda (including keynote and session abstracts) and 2019 news article.

2018: Co-sponsored with the University of California System

two people view a poster on an easel
Many external participants gave talks and submitted posters, as in this example from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

The DSI’s inaugural workshop took place over two days in August at Garré Winery in Livermore. Welcome addresses were given by UC’s vice president for national laboratories and LLNL’s associate directors for Computing and Engineering. The event included presentations grouped into 12 technical topics as well as a poster session.

Student interns from the Data Science Summer Institute joined the workshop, with many submitting posters summarizing their summer projects. Altogether, nearly 50 posters detailed analysis and prediction techniques for scenarios as disparate as tracking gaseous chemical plumes, detecting magnetic anomalies, optimizing nanoprinted structures, controlling autonomous vehicles, and evaluating congressional voting records.

View the 2018 agenda (including slide decks and posters) and 2018 news article.