Papers win Test of Time awards at 2022 IEEE VIS conference
Two LLNL-led teams received SciVis Test of Time awards at the 2022 IEEE VIS conference on Oct. 18, for papers that have achieved lasting relevancy in the field of scientific visualization. Published in 2008, an LLNL-led paper that—for the first time—allowed Digital Morse Theory to be applied to large scale and three-dimensional data, won the 14-year Test of Time award for making a lasting impact to the decades-long application of computational topology to data analysis and visualization at scale. The algorithm the team developed uses a “divide-and-conquer” strategy to allow for memory-efficient, topology-based analysis of large-scale data of various formats and all dimensions to be done on standard, off-the-shelf computers. The SciVis 25-year Test of Time award went to a paper co-authored by former LLNL senior scientist Mark Duchaineau and current LLNL computer scientist Mark Miller, who has helped develop numerous scientific database, visualization and data modeling technologies at LLNL. Several Los Alamos National Laboratory researchers also appear as co-authors. Read more at LLNL News.