
Community Outreach

LLNL partners with city of Livermore to reduce carbon emissions

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the city of Livermore to collaborate on advancing climate action in Livermore and build community-wide resilience to climate change impacts. The city’s Climate Action Plan (CAP), anticipated to be adopted by the Livermore City Council this summer, will create a roadmap to…

White House summit celebrates fusion milestones, discusses 'bold' 10-year plan for commercialization

Recent scientific advancements in fusion, combined with increasing private investments and the urgent need to address climate change, mean the “time is now” for accelerating fusion energy commercialization, fusion experts said at a White House summit on March 17. Hosted by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE…

‘Science on Saturday’ lecture to describe the science behind climate change

WHO: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientists Gemma Anderson, Mark Zelinka and Aaron Donahue, along with Stan Hitomi, retired teacher from the San Ramon Valley Unified School District, will present “The Future in Focus: Predicting Climate Change through Observations, Modeling and Artificial Intelligence,” the fourth and final lecture in the 2022 virtual…

‘Science on Saturday’ lecture to highlight nuclear fusion

WHO: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientists Derek Mariscal and Dave Schlossberg, along with teacher Tom Shefler of Granada High School, will present “Bringing Star Power to Earth: Harnessing Nuclear Fusion,” the third lecture in the 2022 virtual Science on Saturday series that highlights Energy and the Environment. WHAT: This presentation will provide an…

‘Science on Saturday’ lecture to cover microalgae’s impact on global carbon cycling and sustainable biofuels

WHO: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientists Xavier Mayali and Ty Samo, along with teacher Erin McKay of Tracy High School, will present “Small Algae, Big World: The Impact of Microalgae on Global Carbon Cycling and Sustainable Biofuels,” the second lecture in the 2022 virtual Science on Saturday series that highlights Energy and the Environment. WHAT:…

Veteran Showcase: Bill Bruner

The Veterans/Military Outreach and Recruiting Program at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is committed to supporting and recruiting military students, reservists, active duty and transitioning service men, women and veterans. The program’s initial focus on recruiting and hiring has aided directly in the employment of nearly 500 veterans, with many more serving…

Civil Air Patrol honors LLNL employee

When Kathy Brown joined the Civil Air Patrol more than a decade ago, she never thought she would help save someone’s life. But that’s something she and other members of her team did last spring. For her efforts, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory employee received a certificate of recognition and a lifesaving ribbon with a silver star during a Jan. 12 ceremony held…

LLNL’s McCormick chosen to co-lead Innovation Tri-Valley DEI Council

The Innovation Tri-Valley Leadership Group (ITV), a partnership working to advance the region’s business climate and quality of life, announced Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Beth McCormick will co-chair its new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Council. As LLNL’s director of Strategic Workforce Development for Engineering, McCormick heads efforts to develop…

LLNL thin film engineer named fellow of SPIE

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL) Christopher Stolz has been elected as a fellow of SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics. Stolz, an associate program manager in charge of the National Ignition Facility (NIF) optics supply, has worked at LLNL in the laser directorate as a thin film engineer for more than 30 years; first in AVLIS and then…

Larry Durham selected as LLNL’s chief human capital officer and Human Resources associate director

Larry Durham has been named Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL’s) new chief human capital officer and associate director for Human Resources (HR AD). The selection was announced today by LLNL Director Kimberly Budil and Principal Associate Director for Operations & Business Cynthia Rivera and will be effective Jan. 24, 2022. As chief human capital officer,…

Lab’s ACT-UP awards focus on collaborative university research

With a focus on increasing joint research efforts between Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and universities, the Lab’s Weapon Physics and Design (WPD) Academic Collaboration Team University Program (ACT-UP) has presented this year’s ACT-UP awards. Now in its third year, the ACT-UP awards were created to encourage and advance strategic partnerships among universities…

Miller receives John S. Foster Jr. Medal in honor of decades of iconic service

Laboratory director emeritus George Miller recently was awarded the sixth John S. Foster, Jr. Medal for his long service to Lawrence Livermore and contributions to the nation’s security. In a hybrid ceremony Nov. 30, a series of prominent scientific leaders detailed Miller’s career and impact on the U.S. nuclear deterrent, the stockpile stewardship program (SSP) and the…

Lawrence Livermore campaign raises $3.6 million for charitable organizations

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory employees, along with Lawrence Livermore National Security (LLNS), LLC, donated more than $3.6 million to charitable organizations via the annual employee giving program, the Helping Others More Effectively (HOME) Campaign. Laboratory employees pledged more than $2.6 million through payroll deduction, with 100 percent of the funds…

Lawrence Livermore National Security announces recipients of 2021 Community Gift Program

Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC (LLNS), the contract manager for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), has announced the recipients for the 2021 LLNS Community Gift Program. These gifts, totaling $200,000, reflect LLNS' commitment to local communities. LLNS received applications totaling more than $265,000 in requests. Twenty-nine applications were…

LLNL team wins SC21 Reproducibility Advancement Award

A suite developed by a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) team to simplify evaluation of approximation techniques for scientific applications has won the first-ever Best Reproducibility Advancement Award at the 2021 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC21). Newly instituted by the conference, the award…

Livermore Lab Foundation, Lawrence Livermore National Lab launch carbon education and outreach program

Helping the general public and students learn about carbon neutrality, the options for carbon dioxide removal, as well as the effects of climate change, is the focus of the Carbon Cleanup Initiative, a unique public awareness partnership from the Livermore Lab Foundation (LLF) and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). “We are proud to partner with the scientists…

Four graduate students selected as Graduate Student Research Program recipients

Four graduate awardees selected by the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program’s 2021 Solicitation 1 cycle will be hosted by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The four graduate students are among 65 individuals representing 29 states who will conduct research at various DOE national laboratories. The students…

A new Virtual Discovery Center experience

For decades, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL’s) Discovery Center has served as a window into LLNL’s state-of-the-art research. With the center closed to the public during to the pandemic, the Lab has pivoted the Discovery Center experience from in-person to virtual. “LLNL is pleased to introduce the all-new Virtual Discovery Center,” said Joanna Albala, LLNL…

Inaugural industry forum inspires ML community

LLNL held its first-ever Machine Learning for Industry Forum (ML4I) on Aug. 10-12. Co-hosted by the Lab’s High Performance Computing Innovation Center (HPCIC) and Data Science Institute (DSI), the virtual event brought together more than 500 participants from the Department of Energy (DOE) complex, commercial companies, professional societies and academia. Industry…

LLNL, NNSA and elected officials celebrate opening of Livermore Valley Open Campus expansion

Leaders from the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), Congressional representatives and local elected officials gathered at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) on Aug. 10 to celebrate an expansion to the Livermore Valley Open Campus (LVOC). The Lab hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new office building (Bldg. 642) and a conference annex (Bldg. 643…