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Measuring failure risk and resiliency in AI/ML models
Aug. 27, 2024 -
The widespread use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) reveals not only the technology’s potential but also its pitfalls, such as how likely these models are to be inaccurate. AI/ML models can fail in unexpected ways even when not under attack, and they can fail in scenarios differently from how humans perform. Knowing when and why failure occurs can prevent costly...
Measuring attack vulnerability in AI/ML models
Aug. 26, 2024 -
LLNL is advancing the safety of AI/ML models in materials design, bioresilience, cyber security, stockpile surveillance, and many other areas. A key line of inquiry is model robustness, or how well it defends against adversarial attacks. A paper accepted to the renowned 2024 International Conference on Machine Learning explores this issue in detail. In “Adversarial Robustness Limits via...
Evaluating trust and safety of large language models
Aug. 8, 2024 -
Accepted to the 2024 International Conference on Machine Learning, two Livermore papers examined trustworthiness—how a model uses data and makes decisions—of large language models, or LLMs. In “TrustLLM: Trustworthiness in Large Language Models,” Bhavya Kailkhura and collaborators from universities and research organizations around the world developed a comprehensive trustworthiness...
ISCP projects make machine learning advantages tangible
July 17, 2024 -
Data science tools are not only rapidly taking hold across disciplines, they are constantly evolving. The applications, services, and techniques one cohort of scientists and engineers may have learned could be out of date by the next cohort, especially as machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) tools become commonplace.
To keep employees abreast of the latest tools, two data...
LLNL and BridgeBio announce trials for supercomputing-discovered cancer drug
June 6, 2024 -
In a substantial milestone for supercomputing-aided drug design, LLNL and BridgeBio Oncology Therapeutics (BridgeBio) today announced clinical trials have begun for a first-in-class medication that targets specific genetic mutations implicated in many types of cancer. The development of the new drug—BBO-8520—is the result of collaboration among LLNL, BridgeBio and the National Cancer...
Welcome new DSI team members
April 2, 2024 -
When Data Science Institute (DSI) director Brian Giera and deputy director Cindy Gonzales began planning activities for fiscal year 2024 and beyond, they immediately realized that LLNL’s growth in data science and artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) research requires corresponding growth in the DSI’s efforts. “Our field is booming,” Giera states. “The Lab has a stake in the...
WiDS Livermore conference attendees network, share research and absorb wisdom
March 27, 2024 -
Co-sponsored by the DSI, LLNL on March 13 hosted the 7th annual Women in Data Science (WiDS) conference for data scientists, industry professionals, recent graduates and others interested in the field. As an independent satellite of the global WiDS conference celebrating International Women’s Day, the Livermore hybrid event was held to highlight the work and careers of LLNL and regional data...
Register for WiDS Livermore on March 13
Feb. 8, 2024 -
The annual Women in Data Science (WiDS) conference returns on Wednesday, March 13. This is the seventh year for WiDS Livermore, which is independently organized by LLNL to be part of the mission to increase participation of women in data science and to feature outstanding women doing outstanding work. The all-day WiDS Livermore event is free and will be presented in a hybrid format. Everyone...
Will it bend? Reinforcement learning optimizes metamaterials
Dec. 13, 2023 -
Lawrence Livermore staff scientist Xiaoxing Xia collaborated with the Technical University of Denmark to integrate machine learning (ML) and 3D printing techniques. The effort naturally follows Xia’s PhD work in materials science at the California Institute of Technology, where he investigated electrochemically reconfigurable structures. In a paper published in the Journal of Materials...
For better CT images, new deep learning tool helps fill in the blanks
Nov. 17, 2023 -
At a hospital, an airport, or even an assembly line, computed tomography (CT) allows us to investigate the otherwise inaccessible interiors of objects without laying a finger on them. To perform CT, x-rays first shine through an object, interacting with the different materials and structures inside. Then, the x-rays emerge on the other side, casting a projection of their interactions onto a...
LLNL’s Kailkhura elevated to IEEE senior member
Nov. 8, 2023 -
IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional organization, has elevated LLNL research staff member Bhavya Kailkhura to the grade of senior member within the organization. IEEE has more than 427,000 members in more than 190 countries, including engineers, scientists and allied professionals in the electrical and computer sciences, engineering and related disciplines. Just 10% of IEEE’s...
LLNL, University of California partner for AI-driven additive manufacturing research
Sept. 27, 2023 -
Grace Gu, a faculty member in mechanical engineering at UC Berkeley, has been selected as the inaugural recipient of the LLNL Early Career UC Faculty Initiative. The initiative is a joint endeavor between LLNL’s Strategic Deterrence Principal Directorate and UC national laboratories at the University of California Office of the President, seeking to foster long-term academic partnerships and...
Explainable artificial intelligence can enhance scientific workflows
July 25, 2023 -
As ML and AI tools become more widespread, a team of researchers in LLNL’s Computing and Physical and Life Sciences directorates are trying to provide a reasonable starting place for scientists who want to apply ML/AI, but don’t have the appropriate background. The team’s work grew out of a Laboratory Directed Research and Development project on feedstock materials optimization, which led to...
Celebrating the DSI’s first five years
May 18, 2023 -
View the LLNL Flickr album Data Science Institute Turns Five.
Data science—a field combining technical disciplines such as computer science, statistics, mathematics, software development, domain science, and more—has become a crucial part of how LLNL carries out its mission. Since the DSI’s founding in 2018, the Lab has seen tremendous growth in its data science community and has invested...
First-ever hybrid Women in Data Science Livermore event celebrates achievements, supports women in the field
March 14, 2023 -
Celebrating International Women’s Day on March 8, LLNL women data scientists, Lab employees and other attendees interested in the field gathered at the Livermore Valley Open Campus for the annual Livermore Women in Data Science (WiDS) regional event held in conjunction with the global WiDS conference. Attendees met online and in-person for the forum, highlighting women in computing and the...
Register for WiDS Livermore on March 8
Jan. 31, 2023 -
The annual Women in Data Science (WiDS) conference returns on Wednesday, March 8. LLNL will again host a regional event in conjunction with the worldwide conference. The all-day WiDS Livermore event is free and will be presented in a hybrid format. Everyone is welcome to attend. Along with plenty of food and networking opportunities, WiDS Livermore will include a livestream of the Stanford...
Cognitive simulation supercharges scientific research
Jan. 10, 2023 -
Computer modeling has been essential to scientific research for more than half a century—since the advent of computers sufficiently powerful to handle modeling’s computational load. Models simulate natural phenomena to aid scientists in understanding their underlying principles. Yet, while the most complex models running on supercomputers may contain millions of lines of code and generate...
LLNL researchers win HPCwire award for applying cognitive simulation to ICF
Nov. 17, 2022 -
The high performance computing publication HPCwire announced LLNL as the winner of its Editor’s Choice award for Best Use of HPC in Energy for applying cognitive simulation (CogSim) methods to inertial confinement fusion (ICF) research. The award was presented at the largest supercomputing conference in the world: the 2022 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking...
LLNL team claims top AI award at international symbolic regression competition
Aug. 16, 2022 -
An LLNL team claimed a top prize at an inaugural international symbolic regression competition for an artificial intelligence (AI) framework they developed capable of explaining and interpreting real-life COVID-19 data. Hosted by the open source SRBench project at the 2022 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), the competition had two tracks—synthetic and real-world—and...
Introduction to deep learning for image classification workshop (VIDEO)
July 6, 2022 -
In addition to its annual conference held every March, the global Women in Data Science (WiDS) organization hosts workshops and other activities year-round to inspire and educate data scientists worldwide, regardless of gender, and to support women in the field. On June 29, LLNL’s Cindy Gonzales led a WiDS Workshop titled “Introduction to Deep Learning for Image Classification.” The abstract...