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DOE honors seven early-career Lab scientists
Sept. 19, 2024 -
Seven LLNL scientists are recipients of the DOE's Office of Science Early Career Research Program (ECRP) award. Among them is Shusen Liu, a computer scientist in the Machine Intelligence Group in the Center for Applied Scientific Computing. His work focuses on understanding and interpreting the inner mechanisms of neural networks and integrating human domain knowledge with machine...
ISCP projects make machine learning advantages tangible
July 17, 2024 -
Data science tools are not only rapidly taking hold across disciplines, they are constantly evolving. The applications, services, and techniques one cohort of scientists and engineers may have learned could be out of date by the next cohort, especially as machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) tools become commonplace.
To keep employees abreast of the latest tools, two data...
LLNL and BridgeBio announce trials for supercomputing-discovered cancer drug
June 6, 2024 -
In a substantial milestone for supercomputing-aided drug design, LLNL and BridgeBio Oncology Therapeutics (BridgeBio) today announced clinical trials have begun for a first-in-class medication that targets specific genetic mutations implicated in many types of cancer. The development of the new drug—BBO-8520—is the result of collaboration among LLNL, BridgeBio and the National Cancer...
The Laboratory’s habit of innovation
June 4, 2024 -
LLNL’s HPC and data science capabilities play a significant role in international science research and innovation, and Lab researchers have won 10 R&D 100 Awards in the Software–Services category in the past decade. The latest issue of Science & Technology Review features several award-winning projects, including ZFP and CANDLE: (1) ZFP introduces a new method of compressing large data sets...
Welcome new DSI team members
April 2, 2024 -
When Data Science Institute (DSI) director Brian Giera and deputy director Cindy Gonzales began planning activities for fiscal year 2024 and beyond, they immediately realized that LLNL’s growth in data science and artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) research requires corresponding growth in the DSI’s efforts. “Our field is booming,” Giera states. “The Lab has a stake in the...
WiDS Livermore conference attendees network, share research and absorb wisdom
March 27, 2024 -
Co-sponsored by the DSI, LLNL on March 13 hosted the 7th annual Women in Data Science (WiDS) conference for data scientists, industry professionals, recent graduates and others interested in the field. As an independent satellite of the global WiDS conference celebrating International Women’s Day, the Livermore hybrid event was held to highlight the work and careers of LLNL and regional data...
Register for WiDS Livermore on March 13
Feb. 8, 2024 -
The annual Women in Data Science (WiDS) conference returns on Wednesday, March 13. This is the seventh year for WiDS Livermore, which is independently organized by LLNL to be part of the mission to increase participation of women in data science and to feature outstanding women doing outstanding work. The all-day WiDS Livermore event is free and will be presented in a hybrid format. Everyone...
Conference paper illuminates neural image compression
Dec. 8, 2023 -
An enduring question in machine learning (ML) concerns performance: How do we know if a model produces reliable results? The best models have explainable logic and can withstand data perturbations, but performance analysis tools and datasets that will help researchers meaningfully evaluate these models are scarce. A team from LLNL’s Center for Applied Scientific Computing (CASC) is teasing...
Celebrating the DSI’s first five years
May 18, 2023 -
View the LLNL Flickr album Data Science Institute Turns Five.
Data science—a field combining technical disciplines such as computer science, statistics, mathematics, software development, domain science, and more—has become a crucial part of how LLNL carries out its mission. Since the DSI’s founding in 2018, the Lab has seen tremendous growth in its data science community and has invested...
First-ever hybrid Women in Data Science Livermore event celebrates achievements, supports women in the field
March 14, 2023 -
Celebrating International Women’s Day on March 8, LLNL women data scientists, Lab employees and other attendees interested in the field gathered at the Livermore Valley Open Campus for the annual Livermore Women in Data Science (WiDS) regional event held in conjunction with the global WiDS conference. Attendees met online and in-person for the forum, highlighting women in computing and the...
From plasma to digital twins
March 13, 2023 -
LLNL's Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) group has an array of techniques at its disposal for inspecting objects’ interiors without disturbing them: computed tomography, optical laser interferometry, and ultrasound, for example, can be used alone or in combination to gauge whether a component’s physical and material properties fall within allowed tolerances. In one project, the team of NDE...
Register for WiDS Livermore on March 8
Jan. 31, 2023 -
The annual Women in Data Science (WiDS) conference returns on Wednesday, March 8. LLNL will again host a regional event in conjunction with the worldwide conference. The all-day WiDS Livermore event is free and will be presented in a hybrid format. Everyone is welcome to attend. Along with plenty of food and networking opportunities, WiDS Livermore will include a livestream of the Stanford...
LLNL researchers win HPCwire award for applying cognitive simulation to ICF
Nov. 17, 2022 -
The high performance computing publication HPCwire announced LLNL as the winner of its Editor’s Choice award for Best Use of HPC in Energy for applying cognitive simulation (CogSim) methods to inertial confinement fusion (ICF) research. The award was presented at the largest supercomputing conference in the world: the 2022 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking...
Papers win Test of Time awards at 2022 IEEE VIS conference
Oct. 31, 2022 -
Two LLNL-led teams received SciVis Test of Time awards at the 2022 IEEE VIS conference on Oct. 18, for papers that have achieved lasting relevancy in the field of scientific visualization. Published in 2008, an LLNL-led paper that—for the first time—allowed Digital Morse Theory to be applied to large scale and three-dimensional data, won the 14-year Test of Time award for making a lasting...
Project co-led at LLNL looks to improve visualization of largescale datasets
Oct. 27, 2022 -
LLNL researchers are starting work on a three-year project aimed at improving methods for visual analysis of large heterogeneous data sets as part of a recent Department of Energy funding opportunity. The joint project, entitled “Neural Field Processing for Visual Analysis,” will be led at LLNL by co-principal investigator (PI) Andrew Gillette. Gillette is joined by lead PI Matthew Berger at...
LLNL to cooperate with University of Utah's one oneAPI Center of Excellence
Sept. 21, 2022 -
The University of Utah has announced the creation of a new oneAPI Center of Excellence focused on developing portable, scalable and performant data compression techniques. The oneAPI Center will be headed out of the University of Utah’s Center for Extreme Data Management Analysis and Visualization (CEDMAV) and will involve the cooperation of LLNL’s Center for Applied Scientific Computing. It...
LLNL team claims top AI award at international symbolic regression competition
Aug. 16, 2022 -
An LLNL team claimed a top prize at an inaugural international symbolic regression competition for an artificial intelligence (AI) framework they developed capable of explaining and interpreting real-life COVID-19 data. Hosted by the open source SRBench project at the 2022 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), the competition had two tracks—synthetic and real-world—and...
Lab researchers win top award for machine learning-based approach to ICF experiments
Aug. 4, 2022 -
The IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS) announced an LLNL team as the winner of its 2022 Transactions on Plasma Science Best Paper Award for their work applying machine learning to inertial confinement fusion (ICF) experiments. In the paper, lead author Kelli Humbird and co-authors propose a novel technique for calibrating ICF experiments by combining machine learning with...
Introduction to deep learning for image classification workshop (VIDEO)
July 6, 2022 -
In addition to its annual conference held every March, the global Women in Data Science (WiDS) organization hosts workshops and other activities year-round to inspire and educate data scientists worldwide, regardless of gender, and to support women in the field. On June 29, LLNL’s Cindy Gonzales led a WiDS Workshop titled “Introduction to Deep Learning for Image Classification.” The abstract...
Assured and robust…or bust
June 30, 2022 -
The consequences of a machine learning (ML) error that presents irrelevant advertisements to a group of social media users may seem relatively minor. However, this opacity, combined with the fact that ML systems are nascent and imperfect, makes trusting their accuracy difficult in mission-critical situations, such as recognizing life-or-death risks to military personnel or advancing materials...