Data Science in the News

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Local Women in Data Science conference showcases Lab research

April 3, 2020 - 
For the third consecutive year, LLNL hosted a Women in Data Science (WiDS) regional event on March 2. The event drew dozens of attendees from LLNL, Sandia National Laboratories, local universities, and Bay Area commercial companies. Livermore was one of over 200 regional events in 60 countries coordinated with the main WiDS conference at Stanford University. According to the WiDS website...

LLNL creates web resources to aid in fight against COVID-19

March 30, 2020 - 
LLNL is fully committed to helping protect the U.S. from COVID-19 and to speed the recovery of those affected. As a world-class research institute, we have considerable infrastructure, unique research capabilities and a dedicated team of scientists and engineers supporting the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Our current COVID-19 research and response activities are focused on four broad...

Lab antibody, anti-viral research aids COVID-19 response

March 26, 2020 - 
LLNL scientists are contributing to the global fight against COVID-19 by combining artificial intelligence/machine learning, bioinformatics and supercomputing to help discover candidates for new antibodies and pharmaceutical drugs to combat the disease. Armed with the virus’ predicted 3D structure and a few antibodies known to bind and neutralize SARS, an LLNL team led by Daniel Faissol and...

New partnership to unleash U.S. supercomputing resources in the fight against COVID-19

March 26, 2020 - 
The White House announced the launch of the COVID-19 High Performance Computing Consortium to provide COVID-19 researchers worldwide with access to the world’s most powerful high performance computing resources that can significantly advance the pace of scientific discovery in the fight to stop the virus. Read more at LLNL News.

Machine learning accelerates high-performance materials development

Feb. 13, 2020 - 
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and its partners rely on timely development and deployment of diverse materials to support a variety of national security missions. However, materials development and deployment can take many years from initial discovery of a new material to deployment at scale. Now, an interdisciplinary team of LLNL researchers from the Physical and Life Sciences...

Can machine learning improve computer models enough to ignite internal confinement fusion?

Jan. 28, 2020 - 
Laser-fusion researchers have turned to machine-learning techniques to seek the combinations of laser pulse characteristics and target design needed to optimize target implosions for inertial confinement fusion. Machine learning has tripled the fusion yield of the simpler direct-drive approach being studied with the OMEGA laser at the University of Rochester. In principle, the Rochester...

Big data illuminates the physical sciences

Nov. 6, 2019 - 
Livermore teams are applying innovative data analysis and interpretation techniques to advance fundamental science research. This article describes projects in astrophysics and materials science. Read more at Science & Technology Review.

Collaboration drives data science workshop

Sept. 12, 2019 - 
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL’s) Data Science Institute (DSI) hosted its second annual workshop on July 23–24, 2019. Co-sponsored by the University of California (UC) system, the event drew more than 200 participants to Garré Winery in Livermore. A common theme ran throughout both days: Collaboration is always welcome. Indeed, feedback from last year’s workshop inspired a...

CANDLE illuminates new pathways in fight against cancer

Aug. 16, 2019 - 
As part of the Department of Energy’s role in the fight against cancer, scientists are building tools that use supercomputers to solve problems in entirely new ways. Cancer research provides a complex deep learning challenge that enables DOE to develop new supercomputing capabilities that will, in turn, help scientists address challenges in national security and science. The CANcer...

LLNL presentation at KDD Conference women’s luncheon (VIDEO)

Aug. 15, 2019 - 
The DSI co-sponsored the women's lunch at the 2019 Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Alyson Fox and Amanda Minnich discussed LLNL's diversity and inclusion efforts. Watch on LLNL's YouTube channel.

LLNL Center for Applied Scientific Computing: accelerating scientific discovery (VIDEO)

July 12, 2019 - 
The Center for Applied Scientific Computing (CASC) serves as LLNL’s window to the broader computer science, computational physics, applied mathematics, and data science research communities. Major thrust areas in CASC research include: (1) Increasing simulation fidelity by integrating multi-physics and multi-scale models, increasing resolution through advanced numerical methods and more...

Hyperion Research announces new winners of HPC Innovation Excellence Awards

June 18, 2019 - 
Hyperion Research  announced the 14th round of recipients of the HPC Innovation Excellence Award at the ISC19 supercomputer industry conference in Frankfurt, Germany. Led by Brian Spears, an LLNL team used the Trinity supercomputer to seek out successful modes of laser-driven fusion implosions by building an enormous database for supervised training of a machine learned surrogate...

Researchers explore machine learning to automate sorting of microcapsules in real-time

April 16, 2019 - 
Micro-Encapsulated CO2 Sorbents (MECS) — tiny, reusable capsules full of a sodium carbonate solution that can absorb carbon dioxide from the air — are a promising technology for capturing carbon from the atmosphere. To create the caviar-like objects, scientists run three fluids through a series of microfluidic components to create drops that turn into capsules when exposed to ultraviolet...

DOE fueled AI is transforming the world as we know it (VIDEO)

April 5, 2019 - 
National Labs are home to some of the most powerful supercomputers in the world. These powerful machines they have the potential to unlock artificial intelligence, providing scientists and researchers the ability to quickly analyze massive datasets for answers to the world's most complex problems. Watch on YouTube.

International collective of scientists seeks refined understanding of climate system

March 25, 2019 - 
LLNL climate scientists announced the release of new data sets that will provide fresh insights into past and future climate change. Some of these data sets come from model simulations performed at LLNL, one of the more than 40 climate research centers and consortia engaged in next-generation climate change simulations. These results have been produced as part of an international effort to...

ESGF conference caps a productive year

Feb. 12, 2019 - 
Members of the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) gathered in Washington, DC, on December 3–7 for the 8th annual conference. The event packed 40 presentations, several plenary sessions, a poster session, guest speakers, an awards ceremony, and an executive committee meeting into the week. The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) delegation comprised 19 staff from the Computation and...

DSI seminar: data for social good (VIDEO)

Dec. 18, 2018 - 
In this video from a DSI seminar, Dr. Lisa Garcia Bedolla, director of the Institute of Governmental Studies and a professor in the Graduate School of Education at the University of California, Berkeley, explores the new possibilities big data has opened up within the social sciences – with tools such as social network analyses and geospatial information systems, among others. Watch on LLNL's...

Machine learning points toward new laser target designs

Oct. 8, 2018 - 
When the Trinity supercomputer at Los Alamos National Laboratory was first coming online, calls went out for research projects that would test—and potentially break—the new system. LLNL researchers answered the call, and their work with Trinity and machine learning could disrupt 40 years of assumptions about inertial confinement fusion (ICF). The project essentially turned Trinity—then a 8.1...

LLNL explores machine learning to prevent defects in metal 3D-printed parts in real time

Sept. 13, 2018 - 
LLNL researchers have developed machine learning algorithms capable of processing the data obtained during metal 3D printing in real time and detecting within milliseconds whether a 3D part will be of satisfactory quality. Read more at LLNL News.

Data science workshop embraces multidisciplinary community

Aug. 28, 2018 - 
Since launching in early 2018, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL’s) Data Science Institute (DSI) has hit the ground running with a series of seminars, collaborative sessions, reading groups and other activities for the LLNL data science community. On August 7–8, 2018, the DSI hosted its inaugural offsite workshop, which was co-sponsored by the University of California (UC). More...