Data Science in the News

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Advancing healthcare with data science (VIDEO)

Aug. 3, 2020 - 
This video provides an overview of projects in which data scientists work with domain scientists to address major challenges in healthcare. To help fight the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers are developing computer models to search for potential antibody and antiviral drug treatments, sharing a data portal with scientists and the general public, and analyzing drug compounds via a novel text...

LLNL papers accepted into prestigious conference

July 9, 2020 - 
Two papers featuring LLNL scientists were accepted in the 2020 International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), one of the world’s premier conferences of its kind. Read more at LLNL News.

Modeling neuronal cultures on 'brain-on-a-chip' devices

June 12, 2020 - 
For the past several years, LLNL scientists and engineers have made significant progress in development of a three-dimensional “brain-on-a-chip” device capable of recording neural activity of human brain cell cultures grown outside the body. The team has developed a statistical model for analyzing the structures of neuronal networks that form among brain cells seeded on in vitro brain-on-a...

Carnegie Live: high energy density science and AI (VIDEO)

June 9, 2020 - 
In this Carnegie Live video, Seiichi Shimasaki, Science Counselor for the Japanese embassy in the U.S., described a multiyear science research program (nicknamed the “Moonshot”) to develop new technologies that help solve some of society’s most pressing challenges. He explained that the Government of Japan was looking for a data science program to mentor young scientists, which led to the...

Lab team studies calibrated AI and deep learning models to more reliably diagnose and treat disease

May 29, 2020 - 
A team led by LLNL computer scientist Jay Thiagarajan has developed a new approach for improving the reliability of artificial intelligence and deep learning-based models used for critical applications, such as health care. Thiagarajan recently applied the method to study chest X-ray images of patients diagnosed with COVID-19, arising due to the novel SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus. Read more at LLNL...

AI identifies change in microstructure in aging materials

May 26, 2020 - 
LLNL scientists have taken a step forward in the design of future materials with improved performance by analyzing its microstructure using AI. The work recently appeared online in the journal Computational Materials Science. Read more at LLNL News.

COVID-19 research goes public through new portal

May 18, 2020 - 
A new online data portal is making available to the public a wealth of data LLNL scientists have gathered from their ongoing COVID-19 molecular design projects, particularly the computer-based “virtual” screening of small molecules and designed antibodies for interactions with the SARS-CoV-2 virus for drug design purposes. The portal houses a wealth of data LLNL scientists have gathered from...

Interpretable AI in healthcare (PODCAST)

May 17, 2020 - 
LLNL's Jay Thiagarajan joins the Data Skeptic podcast to discuss his recent paper "Calibrating Healthcare AI: Towards Reliable and Interpretable Deep Predictive Models." The episode runs 35:50. Listen at Data Skeptic.

The incorporation of machine learning into scientific simulations at LLNL (VIDEO)

May 5, 2020 - 
In this video from the Stanford HPC Conference, Katie Lewis presents "The Incorporation of Machine Learning into Scientific Simulations at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory." Read more and watch the video at insideHPC.

New partnership results in increased access to compelling 'real world data'

April 21, 2020 - 
Through a new partnership between the UC San Diego Library, Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute (HDSI), and LLNL's Data Science Institute, UCSD library patrons can now access and analyze two new “real world” data sets from LLNL. The Open Data Initiative collection shares some of LLNL’s challenging and unique data sets, which range in complexity from large-scale, domain-specific simulated data...

Lab promotes diversity, tech at Women in Data Science regional event

April 3, 2020 - 
For the third consecutive year, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) hosted a Women in Data Science (WiDS) regional event on March 2. Held at the HPC Innovation Center, the event drew dozens of attendees from LLNL, Sandia National Laboratories, local universities, and Bay Area commercial companies. Livermore was one of over 200 regional events in 60 countries coordinated with the...

Local Women in Data Science conference showcases Lab research

April 3, 2020 - 
For the third consecutive year, LLNL hosted a Women in Data Science (WiDS) regional event on March 2. The event drew dozens of attendees from LLNL, Sandia National Laboratories, local universities, and Bay Area commercial companies. Livermore was one of over 200 regional events in 60 countries coordinated with the main WiDS conference at Stanford University. According to the WiDS website...

LLNL creates web resources to aid in fight against COVID-19

March 30, 2020 - 
LLNL is fully committed to helping protect the U.S. from COVID-19 and to speed the recovery of those affected. As a world-class research institute, we have considerable infrastructure, unique research capabilities and a dedicated team of scientists and engineers supporting the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Our current COVID-19 research and response activities are focused on four broad...

DSI sponsors LLNL hackathon

Feb. 18, 2020 - 
Since 2012, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL’s) Computing directorate has held hackathons three times a year. These spring, summer, and fall events are scheduled over 24 hours and invite software teams to work on new ideas, programming languages, open-source tools, or project tasks. Exploration and experimentation are highly encouraged, and “It’s OK to fail” is the event mantra...

Can machine learning improve computer models enough to ignite internal confinement fusion?

Jan. 28, 2020 - 
Laser-fusion researchers have turned to machine-learning techniques to seek the combinations of laser pulse characteristics and target design needed to optimize target implosions for inertial confinement fusion. Machine learning has tripled the fusion yield of the simpler direct-drive approach being studied with the OMEGA laser at the University of Rochester. In principle, the Rochester...

LLNL-led team awarded Best Paper at SC19 for modeling cancer-causing protein interactions

Nov. 22, 2019 - 
A panel of judges at the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC19) on Thursday awarded a multi-institutional team led by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory computer scientists with the conference’s Best Paper award. The paper, entitled “Massively Parallel Infrastructure for Adaptive Multiscale Simulations: Modeling RAS Initiation...

Department of Energy researchers share data management strategies at first-ever “Data Day”

Nov. 11, 2019 - 
It’s become something of a mantra of the digital age: Data is the new currency. Especially in science, where it’s hard to find a single project that doesn’t involve generating or consuming massive amounts of data. In light of the growing awareness of the critical importance of data management across the Department of Energy complex, more than 100 researchers from DOE national laboratories...

Big data illuminates the physical sciences

Nov. 6, 2019 - 
Livermore teams are applying innovative data analysis and interpretation techniques to advance fundamental science research. This article describes projects in astrophysics and materials science. Read more at Science & Technology Review.

Lab leads effort to model proteins tied to cancer

Oct. 31, 2019 - 
Computational scientists, biophysicists and statisticians from LLNL and Los Alamos National Laboratory(LANL) are leading a massive multi-institutional collaboration that has developed a machine learning-based simulation for next-generation supercomputers capable of modeling protein interactions and mutations that play a role in many forms of cancer. Read more at LLNL News.

Cindy Gonzales forges a new career in data science

Sept. 25, 2019 - 
Through LLNL’s Data Science Immersion Program, Gonzales is now among the Lab’s newest data scientists. For two and a half years, she juggled a demanding workload—coordinating Computing’s Scholar Program, interning with data scientists, learning from mentors, supporting LLNL’s Data Science Institute, and attending college part time—while also having her first child. Read more at LLNL Computing...